30September 2009
If your website doesn’t have a call to action, you’re missing out all together. It’s estimated that 90% of people never return to a website once they leave. If you aren’t capturing their attention and giving them a reason to return, they won’t be back. Here’s something you need to think about:
It doesn’t matter how pretty your website is, it’s how functional it is! It’s functionality, functionality, functionality!
Okay now take a look at your website. Why do you have a website? Do you just think you should have one because your competitors do? Is your website bringing you new business? Can you tell how many people visit your website each day? What are you trying to accomplish with it?
Who designed your website? Was it your IT department? What do they know about marketing? Did your child or some other relative design your website? What do they know about marketing? I’m not trying to pick on your IT department or your relatives, if they designed it, but you need to have a website that markets your business. There’s really no other reason.
It’s no more expensive to have aa website that works than it is to have one that just sits there looking pretty. If it makes you feel good to point to your website, that’s good. Wouldn’t you rather point to one that is bringing you new clients? That’s the way of the future for small business.
The best thing you can do is to be honest about your website and that means looking at the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can get a FREE Website Analysis by clicking this link!